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In brief: Oakland Assemblymember Bonta’s candidate security bill OK’d

Her legislation to boost funding for safety has been approved in both state houses, awaits governor’s signature

East Bay Times

A bill from Assemblymember Mia Bonta, D-Oakland, on candidate security, AB 2041, passed its final vote through the Legislature early Sunday and is awaiting Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature. Bonta released the statement below in response.

“Stalking and harassment have become all too common in today’s politics, especially for candidates who are female, LGBTQ+ and candidates of color. These tactics only serve to hurt our political process by intimidating wonderful potential candidates out of participating in our political system.

UCSF Favors Pricey Doctoral Program for Nurse-Midwives Amid Maternal Care Crisis

Ronnie Cohen, California Healthline


One of California’s two programs for training nurse-midwives has stopped admitting students while it revamps its curriculum to offer only doctoral degrees, a move that’s drawn howls of protest from alumni, health policy experts, and faculty who accuse the University of California of putting profits above public health needs.

Último empujón contra discriminación digital en California

Este 15 de agosto se vence el plazo para que el proyecto de ley AB 2239 salga del Comité de Apropiaciones del Senado

Areceli Martínez Ortega, La Opinión

La asambleísta demócrata de Oakland, Mía Bonta dijo en un encuentro con Latino Media Collaborative que presentó la medida AB 2239 para asegurarse que en el estado, cada latino tenga el derecho y la voz para tener acceso al Internet de banda ancha, un servicio crítico para las necesidades diarias.

“La equidad digital es realmente la forma en que aseguramos que cada persona tenga lo que ahora es un servicio esencial, la conexión a través de la banda ancha”.

Commentary: Tracking Discrimination in Healthcare: A California Imperative

Rhonda Smith I Special to California Black Media


OPINION (CBM) – Having spent more than 25 years advocating for equitable healthcare, I’ve listened to countless stories from individuals whose lives have been forever changed by the historic inequities that exist within our healthcare system.

Leadership Program Gives Black Students the Tools to Thrive

CSUDH Campus News Center


It’s never been more important for young people of color to fully engage in civic life and to know they can shape the way we move forward as a state and as a country, says California Assemblymember Mia Bonta (D-Oakland).

“On the eve of one of the most consequential presidential elections ever, we need to give our future leaders the tools they need to face these moments,” said Bonta. “They need to know they can do something.”

Should California politicians use campaign funds for beefed-up security? Newsom may soon face the question again

The assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has reignited discussion on a California proposal that would allow politicians to use campaign funds to ramp up their personal security.

Assemblymember Mia Bonta introduced the proposal long before Saturday's deadly shooting at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. Her bill, AB 2041, is close to the finish line of California's legislative process and is set for a full vote in the State Senate next month.

Bill: Keep Medically Supportive Nutrition

Sejal Parekh I Precinct Reporter News

Participants in Recipe 4 Health have seen impressive results, including decreased indicators of chronic illness. AB 1975 would ensure permanent funding for the program.

Knee surgery in 2021 limited Elizabeth Duran’s physical activity and caused her to gain weight. Duran, 65, took pills for high blood pressure and dealt with her anxiety privately.