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Happening TODAY! Asm. Mia Bonta’s Legislative Town Hall on Nov 28 at 6 pm

Dear Friends,

As the California legislature prepares for a new session, my team and I are sharing our work in the 2023 legislative session and reviewing the joys and challenges of the past year. In this spirit, I warmly invite you to attend my Legislative Town Hall. I will discuss the bills I introduced in the California Assembly, prioritizing equipping our students with the means to achieve, defending reproductive rights and our democratic process, and reinvesting the state’s wealth in underserved communities across District 18.

Legislative Town Hall
November 28, 2023
6 p.m.

Submit Questions and Comments

In the 2023 legislative cycle, I authored an ambitious set of over 20 bills, and coauthored policy to make major improvements in health, school staffing, tenant protections, criminal justice reform, and much more. I had the privilege of seeing five of our bills become California law – improving public safety by prioritizing funding towards rehabilitation for incarcerated persons, protecting unionized workers in the Alameda Health System, and securing land to build 587 units at the Encinal Terminal in Alameda. I advocated for funds to meet the pressing needs of our community, specifically securing $5 million for Oakland’s MACRO program, and $1.2 million to aid safe shelters for the unhoused community.

I am proud of how my office has worked to shape laws that meet the needs of our community, but I know we all have more work to do to address the economic uncertainty felt at this moment. I look forward to sharing how our legislation is engaging with community members across the district to shape laws that incorporate the wisdom of Assembly District 18 and redefine what investment in our neighborhoods looks like. 

Yours in Service,

Assemblymember Bonta signature

Mia Bonta
Assemblymember, 18th District

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Section 1: Alzheimer’s Awareness Month: November 2023

alzheimers awareness monthNovember marks Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, where worldwide over 55 million people are living with Alzheimer’s disease. As explained by The Alzheimer’s Association’s 2023 Disease Facts and Figures Report, “In Alzheimer’s, the neurons damaged first are those in parts of the brain responsible for memory, language, thinking… and brain changes that cause them are thought to begin 20 years or more before symptoms start.” Great strides have been made to support individuals and their families living with Alzheimer’s disease.

In California, we’ve made it a mission to support our older adults and seniors with California’s Master Plan for Aging because our over-60 population is expected to exponentially increase more than any other age group in the state. Part of this path forward and plan to support our Alzheimer’s friends and families is the Alzheimer’s Prevention and Preparedness Task Force working to develop a list of recommendations for the Governor and Legislature for how local, state, and private partners can work collectively to prepare and support our Alzheimer’s and research to end Alzheimer’s disease.

As we work to continue researching Alzheimer’s and developing effective treatments, the California Department of Public Health has extensive resources to support friends and families impacted by Alzheimer’s Disease by going to their Alzheimer’s Disease Program and staying up to date with the most current programs.