Dear Friends,
I am so proud to represent the beautiful people of Oakland, Alameda, and Emeryville. Our East Bay district truly knows the meaning of community, and the nation would be better off if more shared our values of looking out for one another. Whether it’s applauding our female construction workers, protecting those who rely on Medi-Cal, or supporting our local immigrant communities, I am committed, now more than ever, to ensuring that we provide care and community support to all. I will continue bringing these East Bay values to the legislature and applaud you for living them in your daily life.
Yours in Service,
Mia Bonta
Assemblymember, 18th District

This year, I’ve introduced AB 1153, the Funding Clean Streets Act, which will support local jurisdictions, like our cities of Oakland, Alameda, and Emeryville, with the removal and disposal of abandoned recreational vehicles (RVs). I know many Oaklanders are well aware of the number of damaged, neglected, and forgotten RVs left on the side of our roads, in parking lots, and across our cities. AB 1153 will expand CalRecycle grants to ensure our cities can keep up with the timely removal of deserted RVs to keep our streets clean and safe.
Did you know anyone can submit a position letter to the legislature’s committees as bills move through California’s legislative process? Learn more below.

Medicaid must be protected! With crucial health dollars under attack, I joined our health facilities on the ground across the 18th Assembly District to learn more about their work and how they’d be impacted by these cuts. La Clínica de La Raza provides lifesaving, high-quality multilingual care regardless of income or insurance status; this work would be under threat. I attended Alameda Health System’s ribbon cutting for their new Dental and Ophthalmology in East Oakland; with Medicaid cuts on the table, dental care could become less accessible for those who rely on Medi-Cal.

I held my first solo Committee Hearing of the new legislative cycle earlier this month. As Chair of the Health Committee, I was excited to dive into Prop. 1, passed by California voters in March last year, which aims to strengthen our state’s behavioral health system by funding mental health treatment, substance use services, and supportive housing. It was an informative hearing on what the implementation of these plans will look like and how we can support our counties in ensuring effective treatment.

The City of Oakland is reopening previously closed fire stations due to the city’s budget deficit and preventing further fire stations that may have otherwise closed. Additionally, new maps from Cal Fire have shown a stark reduction in fire hazard zones in the town. With the memory of the 1991 Oakland firestorm, it is welcome news that less land is seen as at-risk and that our town will continue to have the resources needed to keep us all safe.

The President’s address to Congress made it clear that they are doubling down on their unpopular and unjustifiable attacks on our communities. This means, here in the East Bay, we will have to double down on our support for one another. Recently, I supported an effort in the legislature resulting in $25 million in legal aid for immigrant communities in need and have collaborated with elected officials across the East Bay to uplift the legal rights our immigrant communities have in the face of politically motivated targeting. We must continue to support our federal workers, immigrants, non-profits, LGBTQ+ community, women, communities of color, and all those under threat by this new administration.
Immigration Resources:
Know Your Rights, Legal Representation, Rapid Response Networks, State Resources, and More.

Learn more: Alameda Cultural Art and Arts Programming, Monthly Lawyer Debt & Bankruptcy Clinic, Youth Career & Job Fair

My office remains committed to helping you navigate any State resources or individualized questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to contact my office for any assistance or support with your questions.